About a girl - Analysis

About A Girl

About A Girl is a nine minute short film about a 13 year old girl who has a huge ego breaking the forth wall and telling us all about her and her life in a comedic way. It was Directed by Brian Percival, written by Julie Rutterford and produced by Janey De Nordwall in 2001. Rutterford was inspired to write the script from her experiences with children. The films main themes and issues raised are domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, ambition, disenfranchised youth and social deprevation. The film is most known for its shocking twist ending revealing she was pregnant presented in a dark way leading to different interpretations by audiences. 
It was filmed as a mockumentary  where a camera backward tracks the main character in our eye line and addressing us as an audience. This is done so we already feel she is confident and has a big ego which will make her funny and likable to a preferred audience members reading or overbearing and annoying to an oppositional reading from the audience. there are multiple jump cuts to keep it flowing and make it feel more like a documentary but other things such as the colour pallet keeps the verisimilitude of it. The way she addresses us is as if she is  confiding in us and we realize this at the end as she tells us her secret. It also makes us feel like we are the ones that have to make a difference and take action after seeing this as we feel like we now have an important role.


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