Alice in wonderland Syndrome Script

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

(Alice approaches the table cautiously looking around at surrounding amazing atmosphere)

mad hatter: Alice, good we've been waiting. (waits for her to turn to him)Come sit with us.

Alice: its been a while (hesitates) friend.

mad hatter: indeed we have been separated for too long. ( hits the table as he is saying "too long")

Alice: I almost forgotten the beauty of the this place. (pauses in confusion) but its strange.

mad hatter: nonsense, nonsense. (agitated) Its those devilish deviants trying to trick you leave you in a false world. Isolated, locked away. Your just a bit mind frazzled from the trip is all.

Alice: (nervous) quite, yes

mad hatter: never the less have a drink tea, coffee, wine, blood.

(alice blinks)

alice: excuse me?

mad hatter: wine, white, red or shall we splurge out on some champagne.

Alice: just tea please.

rabbit: whats the matter, girl you seem odd.

mad hatter: rabbit don't be so crude you're not one to talk on the matter of being "odd". This was supposed to be a celebration of her return to us, and leaving the brutes who cut are time short.

Alice: (concerned)I'm not supposed to be here they said your "wrong"

mad hatter: they locked you up, in prisoned you in there world. but no more.

rabbit: hatter she is ok now, we mustn't dwell on the actions of these "terrorist" trying to strip her away from our wonderland.

Alice: (protesting) there not terrorists there kind and caring helping me improve my world. 

mad hatter: (confidently)they exploit you with fear, a civilian in the aim to spread their agenda against use. terrorists by the oxford definition.

Alice: well if you put it like that.

(alice blinks)

rabbit: have you tried the the cake dear, oh its gorgeous after you have tried it you won't want to leave.

mad hatter: indeed I'm sure its better than the junk those paranoid practitioners of pain prescribed you. (confused and angry hits the table aggressively) No More Alice stay with us eat the cake its lovely.

Alice: I really shouldn't I just ate. In fact I really should be on my way, I'm told by the so called "terrorist" I can't stay more than 5 mins max or I will turn bad.

rabbit: (inquisitive) "bad" Alice what do you mean you're always a peach.

Alice: yes they say I could snap lose my mind. I would be lost in another world without hope with (blinks and becomes drowsy) nothing.

mad hatter: (angry) there the lost lonely loons who would benefit beautifully by you losing your marbles. have you tried the cake its to die for.

rabbit: yes its very nice really, try it

Alice: (assertive) no I've said I can't, I was right something is different about this place are you okay rabbit you look sick.

rabbit: I'm fine (coughs)try the cake Alice you would really like it.(rabbit shows the cake his hands are covered in blood she looks back at his face and its also covered in blood.)

Alice: rabbit no please!(blinks rabbit disappears)wait wh... what was I doing? who was I talking too?

mad hatter: no one it's just us it's always just been us.

Alice: right how could I forget. (blinks rabbit reappears drenched in blood with a cake also covered in blood with tabby Alice remains calm and has no recollection of the disappearance or blood)oh hello rabbit where did you go and you bought tabby brilliant.

tabby: ohh hello Alice its been too long I say too long

(alice blinks)

rabbit and tabby: (now both are covered in blood scream) cake cake eat the cake the best decision you can make EaT the cake.



Alice: they told me the truth hatter, you are fantasy.

mad hatter: eat the cake keep your conscience concealed with us forever.

Alice: no I won't (pulls out a tablet)stop this you are nothing to me now.

rabbit: No Alice its poison it will kill us, corrupt wonderland bring the world to its knees like it has so many times before.

Alice: (angry) Oh shut up you're nothing but fever dreams, nightmares you don't exist, wonderland is a lie.

mad hatter: (stands up walks on the table kicking and slapping stuff of the table holding a slice of cake kneels down if front of her and talks to her eye level) The destruction of wonderland is the destruction of me, you, all the things you have made and love, gone! you will have nothing, no-one you will be finished, forgotten!

Alice: Its a worthy price for salvation (stands up from the table) what's in the cake? what is it before I go tell me.

mad hatter: it's the cure that will solve your problems, no more stupid imaginary men, it's the only way we can be together.

Alice: (shouting) what is it.

mad hatter: the one true way to happiness, the only way for you to except yourself, the only option. Madness.

Alice: your insane

mad hatter: yes, well I am you. (grabs Alice while she blinks franticly screaming)

(Alice is now in a white room by herself sat on a chair looking directly into the camera as it tilts.)

Alice: hello.

(Alice then awakes in a counselling room surrounded by people she blinks and then they're gone only the councillor remains trying to wake her up.)

councillor: Alice, Alice are you with me now you had another episode its okay you're safe, I must congratulate you, well done for remembering your pills during your "phase" now tell me what happened this time was it "the hatter" again.

Alice: yes it was the hatter again terrible there was a rabbit and cat as well.

councillor: (examining a price of paper, with tally on of the characters) ahh okay the rabbit is a reoccurring character isn't he, appearing in episodes 1,7,10 and 16, now adding 23 but the cat has only appeared in 1,12 and this one.

(as the councillor is talking Alice zones out and stares past the doctor at the camera looking at the window she blinks and the hatter appears outside holding a bit of cake with a bit taken out while he gestures at her mouth, she wipes the side of her face and there's a bit of the cake on her face. as the hatter laughs outside.)


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