
When we started to plan our film we came up with a really good initial idea as we strted with messed up fairytales which led us to a messed up version of Alice in Wonderland. For inspiration we looked at a game revolving around a twisted alice in wonderland story and used lines to create the script. We looked for creepy music and sounds to add in. We also agreed what we would need for props and costumes and by the end of the first week had planned it all out ready for filming.

The first day of filming was okay we got a bit filmed but struggled to film the second part as we didn't really know or have anywhere to film. Our next two lessons we didn't have the opportunity to film due to missing members. So by the final week we had lost hope for our film as we needed to edit but had barley done any filming.

However we decided if we finished all our theory work that day and got all the film on the computers I could go home and try to do something with the footage. So our next lesson we came in with a semi decent film that needed more narration and dialogue. So we went down to the recording studio and got some creepy voices edited in high quality so the next day we recorded extreme close ups of Poppys mouth to go with the recordings. Ollie put all our paperwork together and i edited our film and I think overall concidering we lost two hours of filming time it turned out really cool intresting and creepy.


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