Trainspotting 1000 word essay

Throughout trainspotting we see a dull colour pallet, fast paced music fast paced camera shots. This is what makes trainspotting so well known and what made it such a success because although it deals with problems in society like a Social realism typically does it added really unrealistic things to the verisimilitude of the film whichade it more intresting which definitely made it more intresting and enjoyable. If for example you compare it to something like Fish Tank a social realism film based around a similar group in society to the cast of trainspotting coming out a little over ten years later Trainspotting does the same thing but it is alot more enjoyable. Fish Tank can get very boring and just makes you feel depressed about the world throughout the film through the lack of music and just constantly realistic situations. However Trainspotting makes the audience laugh continuously throughout the entire film although still makeing us feel sorry for the characters and makes us think about the problem in the film (heroin addiction) and how it's a very real problem in society and go about the problems in the same we would as your typical social realism film. Both convey the ideologies from the directors point of view however trainspoting does it in a way we find much more relatable.In the first scene we see these classic fast paced Tracking shots and jump cuts as we are introduced to the characters for a voice over which is alot more interesting way then typical social realism films letting you work it out yourself through dialogue as the film continues. This once againis what makes trainspotting a better film because you could be watching fish tank again for example and if you aren't the active audience member that the film is typically aimed for you might be at the end of the film still confised about who's who while in trainspotting you could be an active or passive audience member because its easiy to get the breif idea of the film and understand what's going on but there are still deeper ideaolgies within the film for audience members that look for them. This is a smart move by the director because not only will you convey your ideologies to the targeted audience of the film but you can still convey some to the audiences that weren't targeted so the film has more of an impact. Going back to the fast paced shots and music with the voice over, this would typically show parralel action but in Trainspotting it shows that the main characters are living a fast paced life and straight after the introduction to the characters they start talking about Heroin and what it feels like to take it. So them talking fast moving fast and us hearing a fast paced song really hypes us up so we can relate to the characters more as we're feeling the same which makes it easier to convey ideologies through them. The fact that they also  chose them playing footbal in this scene also adds to this because footbal games are typucally known for hyping up the crowd which is what the director wants our response from this scene to be so for us to have the sameodeologies come trough the situation where we would be feeling like that is put infront of us. The colours in this scene also add to this feeling because the colour pallet has quite a large range however they're all dingingy and dull like for example the sick like green which could be saying that living like this is sick but this word can be used in good or bad cpntext so we can interprate it how we want or it could mean the it feels right but it's so wrong.In the scene 'The worst Toilet in Scotland' We see Renton rushing to any toilet he can find and the oy one he finds is 'the worst toilet in Scotland' but desprete he goes in and uses it. Shortly after finishing he realise he lost his drugs in the process so he hoes looking for them in this disgusting toilet full of his own waste and as he cant find them with his hands we see him starting to put his head in followed by his entire body this is symbolic of his life is going down the drains as he is literally climbing into the drains and he is literally at his lowest point here. And clearly tells us that the ideologies we should depict from this are that this is where a lofe on drugs leads you and makes you not want to follow Rentons path even more because you laugh at him in this scene. This is the theme we also see through trainspotting they seem like they're having fun and they're happy and content with their lives everynow and again something really bad or disgusting will happen which is like the message of the film that no matter how much you think that the lifestyle is good you'll always be stuck in that place and you'll always go back to that low point. Its like the saying once an addict always an addict because even when we see Renton trying to change and improve his life he goes back to that low point. And even when their lifes our improving, that dingy colour pallet is there and the dirty small sets to remind them that they'll never fully change and there's always going to be a temptation there and a reminder and there life will never fully change. This is a significant because they only ever really talk about how good heroine is but its what happens to them that shows it's not as if they are in denial for an excuse to keep living this poor way of life. The way this is done though is that there is alot of laughted involved so we can find it enjoyable and the characters more relatable then just another social realism being 2 hours of depressing reality.


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